20. Side Hustles, and Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

20. Side Hustles, and Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone

A lot of thoughts come to mind when someone mentions side hustles. Some are positive, some are negative.

And side hustles come in many different flavors. But if the concept is new to you, it definitely takes time to get used to. And a lot of the time, it's steps outside of your comfort zone. But here's why that's not a bad thing.

What we discuss:

  • Stepping out of your comfort zone
  • Starting a side hustle
  • The opportunities side hustles provide

Connect with us:

  • Allysa's IG: @allysaamaee
  • David's IG: @dr.chillostomy
  • Raccoon Rounds IG: @raccoonroundsofficial
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