6. Planning Is Only Half Of The Battle

6. Planning Is Only Half Of The Battle

So many of us plan. Maybe you write your plans down. Maybe you use a planner. Maybe you have different versions of a plan, from A to Z.

But the reality is, so many of us plan and don't get any results.

The reason: planning is nothing without execution.

Many fall into the trap of planning, and re-planning, and over planning; with all their time devoted to the planning process. The problem that arises is that so much time was invested in planning, that there's much less time to devote to executing the plan. So as much as it is important to sit down, think, and plan out certain steps; results only start to seen once you take action. That's why planning is only half of the battle.

What we discuss:

  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • The problems with planning without execution
  • Changing your mindset

Connect with us:

  • Raccoon Rounds IG: @raccoonroundsofficial
  • David's IG: @dr.chillostomy
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear: https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits
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